Tuesday 30 September 2014

From super summer to awesome autumn

As a fun-filled and sunny summer draws to a close autumn is upon us and bringing with it the promise of more exciting things to come.  Over the next few months the park HLF project will really start to take form and we shall soon be seeing workers and changes steadily arrive.  That doesn't mean the fun has to stop though - we will still have family events and plenty of volunteer tasks so keep a look out on the noticeboards.

Over the last month our volunteers, with the help of the parkies and KHWP, have done some great work in the park. There has been some tidying up around the Oast House, plenty of litter picking, and the wood pasture area has had its annual cut and thin and is looking great.  We are also delighted to host work experience for a small group of Oakley School students who will also be helping make the park look lovely.

Consultation regarding the skate park improvements is going well and we shall soon be finalising the plan and look forward to getting the work booked in this winter hopefully. The deadline for feeding back on the latest plans is Monday 6th October so do get in touch if you have an opinion.

More exciting news - our community orchard will be beginning to take shape in National Tree Week at the end of November.  A small group of semi-mature fruit trees will be planted to get the orchard started and the first phase of the community planting will take place in February 2015 (weather permitting).  Don't worry, you have not missed out on dedicating a tree. Details on how to go about choosing and dedicating your tree will be coming soon.  If you wish to have a larger role in the community orchard project and want to be involved in planning and management please contact the Friends group or email cally.fiddimore@tunbridgewells.gov.uk